The greatest experience, the one which shakes a soul with hopes and fears, the results of which are never ending, and incidentally, the one which pays the biggest dividends, is to be found in the adoption of children.

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I've found myself, again, totally absorbed in sadness and desperation due to the unknowns of this adoption. My sister made me aware of this video (thanks Ger) and it reminded me there is life; a very beautiful life, outside this bubble of sadness I've been living in. It's wonderful how God reminds us every day how much we have to be thankful for.

Hope you enjoy!


Danny and Brittney said...

Thanks for posting that Pam. We are truly blessed with all God's blessings. We have eachother through this adoption process. We don't know the day or time, but these girls will come home to us.

Susie said...

And to stand in that GLORY will take your breath away. Dont give up Pam before the miracle happens. God is faithful, this is but a time, He will not be late. There is more to this story than you can physically see, but God is working. Hugs friend, Susie

Michelle said...

Still praying!!

redhawks said...

We're still praying too...

The gFamily said...

I just want to tell you that I admire your faith and your ability to encourage others and lift them up even in the midst your own trials! You are such a strong, Godly woman!

We pray for you and Nola everyday! We are believing she will come home!!

Big hugs to you!

Gordon Mote - Don't Miss the Glory