For as long as I can remember, I have had a knack for finding four leaf clovers. I don't believe they're lucky charms or anything remotely close to that, I just enjoy finding them.
Mark and I decided to go for a walk last night after enjoying some strawberry shortcake; a small attempt at burning the extra calories. I had noticed several four leaf clovers as we were walking. For some reason my eyes are just drawn to them. I had commented to Mark that I had seen several when I looked down and found a whole patch! Not just four leaf ones, but five leaf ones also. Too bad they're not worth anything.
On the adoption front, PGN is finally moving! We heard from our agency that some cases have been released. Most of them had previos, but at least they're getting back on track. We were also told that while Birth Mother interviews were going on, the reviewers were still reviewing cases. That means there is a possibility that our case has made some progress during the time PGN was said to be closed. That was very welcome news! But the best news of all...........We're going for another visit trip!!!!! Mark set aside some of his separation pay to cover another visit and our pick up trip. We're taking Kelsey and Maria with us this time. I know Maria won't be too impressed with visiting another country, but I can't wait to see Kelsey's reaction. It will be a short stay, but my mood has already improved knowing that we'll get to spend some more time with our little Nola. Looking forward to the trip will make the wait for news from PGN much easier to take. 

Nola with her snuggly blanket and little princess dress
from Josh and Ali.