Another week has gone by with no news. We're now two weeks away from the deadline. I've had a sick feeling all week and I'm afraid it's going to get worse. I've contacted an agency who does birth mother searches. All they want is $3,000 up front to assemble a team of; a Lawyer, a Social Worker, one or two investigators and a Psychologist. After assembling their team, they will decide on a plan of attack to search. After coming up with the plan, they would inform us of the plan, making sure we understand their intent and then they would begin the search. Now, I don't know about you, but I don't see all of that happening before the August 31st deadline with time left over to search. I respectfully declined the use of their services. We don't need a team of professionals. We just need a responsible Spanish speaking person who is willing to search. I may have a lead for someone to search through the woman who runs the front desk at the Hotel we stay in when we visit. I'll know more about that lead on Monday. Hopefully it will turn out to be something positive and affordable.
Mark is gone this weekend on his motorcycle. He and a friend have gone south to ride through the Smokey's and the surrounding areas. So far he's having a good time, enjoying good weather and he says he has lots of pictures I'll be impressed with when he gets home. I'm waiting for pictures of bears. He and I have taken several trips through the Smokey's and have yet to see a bear. I remember as a kid when we would take family trips down there, we would always see bears. For some reason, as an adult, I have not been so lucky. I hope he continues to have a safe trip and gets home soon. I miss him!

I'm praying the upcoming week brings lots of good news! We're still praying for that miracle.