Today is the birthday of my first born! I can't really say that it "seems like yesterday" but I do have some very vivid memories of that day........Phone calls to our parents in the middle of the night announcing "it's time"..........The fear that Mark was going to miss the whole thing!!!!! (upon arriving at the hospital, the nurse announced that since it was my first "it's going to be a while")...............WRONG!!! After she examined me, she quickly called the Dr and they wheeled me to the delivery room (yea, back in the olden days, you had to go to the stainless steel delivery room to give birth..............not real comfy and cozy!). Mark had gone out to find my mom and dad to tell them to go and get some breakfast because the nurse said it was going to be a while. He just barely made it back in time! Joshua wasn't only our first child, but the first grandchild on both sides of the family! Yes, he was showered with lots of love and attention. His early childhood did have a considerable bump when he was diagnosed with Leukemia at age 7. He endured three years of chemotherapy along with radiation and dialysis. That was a very rough go, but he came through triumphantly!He and his wife are now waiting on the referral of their first born. What an exciting time! I can't wait to be a granny again!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSHUA!!

Josh, with a couple of buddies he made on our last trip to Guatemala
happy birthday to your son. and blessings to you all for enduring his illness all those years aog. I imagine one never forgets the pain. and congratulations to him and his wife on the anticipation of their referral. isn't life wonderful. praying for your little one to come home. and your new bog layout is darling.
Happy Birthday Josh. I hope your Mama makes you the bestest cake in the whole world. Can't wait to hear about your new little one.
Happy Birthday Joshua!!!
Hope you all had a great time!
Blessings! :)
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