It's remarkably quiet in my house this morning. Mark and Kyle have gone to work, Kelsey has gone to school and Maria is still snoozing at 8am. I don't know what that poor girl is going to do next year when she has to get up for kindergarten every morning because unless I wake her up, she'll easily sleep until 9:00 or 10:00.
Our weather forecast is for 4 to 6 inches of snow which should be starting any time but right now we just have rain. I am so ready for winter to be over! I'm good with cold weather at Christmas time. A white Christmas is the best, but one good snow is all I care for and then I'm ready for Spring! Unfortunately, my personal likes and dislikes don't seem to affect the weather.
I've neglected my blogging lately and decided this morning would be a good time to get caught up. We all got together a few weeks ago to celebrate our December and January birthdays. We have several in those two months: my brother Jay, our little punkin boy Riley, my son-in-law Tim, my nephew Trey, my nephew Caleb, my daughter Anna and my Dad.

We had a surprise party for Daddy at Church on his actual birthday. Seventy-five years deserves special attention so we invited some friends and had finger foods and watched the Colts win their playoff game on the big screen TV that Jay brought in for us. 
Dad was certainly surprised and we all had a good time.
Joshua and Alison came over to take Maria sledding in the back yard after our last snow. You see, they had a great time so there is absolutely no need to have any more snow.
Woo Hoo!!! Look out belooooooow!!!!!

We headed down south to Evansville with Lisa and Ella to a get together with the SIFTGA group for a play day at Walthers indoor golf and fun. One dollar was all it cost for the girls to climb around and play all well spent! They had a blast! Thanks for organizing it Becky!

I've taken so many pictures of our sweet little Riley lately that haven't made it into blogdom. Here's one of my favorites. What a sweet boy!

Now for adoption news.........................uhhhh, there's really not any. Our lawyer has decided it would not be too much trouble to send someone to PGN to check on the status of our investigation. Wow, how kind of him! We were hoping to hear something last Friday but as usual, that didn't happen. Hopefully we'll get some kind of news this week.
Please continue to pray for all the children still stuck in process in Guatemala. The country is hoping to reopen adoptions in the summer for older and special needs children. The adoptions will be part of a pilot program and the countries involved have not been chosen yet by Guatemala. I pray if the US is chosen, our government will do something to advocate for the children already in process before they begin the new process.
And last but certainly not least.......................I'm still chocolate free! Amazing!! Unbelievable actually but so far so good!