The Guatemala 900 has asked each of the waiting families to write a Valentine letter to their little one. They are hoping to bring a new awareness to our struggle. A new valentine will be featured on the Guatemala 900 site each day of February. This is my letter to Nola.

To: Nola
From: Mami
I want you to know, every moment of every day, you're in my heart.
In the morning, before I even open my eyes to see the light, I think of you.
I wonder if you're an early riser or if you love staying snuggled
in your bed until the last possible moment.
Through the day, little things turn my mind to you.
When I'm picking up your sister's toys around the house, I wonder,
do you have a favorite toy you like to play with? or a favorite color or outfit
you like to wear? Do you like to have your hair brushed and fixed or
could you care less about such things?
It's sad that I'm your mami and I don't know the answers.
When the night comes, that's when I think of you most.
When the house is quiet and there are no distractions, I pray for you.
I pray that someone in the hogar holds you close and kisses your little cheek each night.
I pray someone looks into your sparkling eyes and marvels at the
special little girl you are.
I pray that someone loves to hear that little squeal in your laugh
almost as much as I do.
But most of all, I pray that the time comes soon when we can bring you home,
when we can hold you close and never let you go
and make sure you know how very very much you're loved and adored.
We all love you and miss you so much sweetheart
and we won't stop working until you're home where you belong.
Te amo mi hija!