This song, even though it was written about a family waiting for a child from China, felt like it spoke to every family waiting for a little one to come home. No matter where you are in the process of adoption, the holidays without that little one home are so difficult. Although I shed many sad tears while I listened and longed to have Nola home with us, those tears turned to hopeful tears at the end of the song. I'm praying this is indeed the last Christmas that we will spend without our little Nola home. And if you're waiting, like we are, just know you're not alone. My prayer is that 2011 will be a year of waiting families being united with their little ones in outstanding numbers!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
It's Christmas Time Again......
This song, even though it was written about a family waiting for a child from China, felt like it spoke to every family waiting for a little one to come home. No matter where you are in the process of adoption, the holidays without that little one home are so difficult. Although I shed many sad tears while I listened and longed to have Nola home with us, those tears turned to hopeful tears at the end of the song. I'm praying this is indeed the last Christmas that we will spend without our little Nola home. And if you're waiting, like we are, just know you're not alone. My prayer is that 2011 will be a year of waiting families being united with their little ones in outstanding numbers!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
I know, it's been a while........
Halloween came and went since I last wrote. Maria was a little butterfly. She enjoyed getting her face painted and Trick-or-Treating.
Most of my time, the last several weeks has been spent on a remodeling project. We decided, with the crowd we were planning on having for Thanksgiving, we needed a place big enough to seat everyone. So we rolled up our sleeves and began finishing a room in our basement. Of course the job took longer than I had expected but turned out very nice.
Here is the before picture.
A during picture.
Gloria giving Audree a snuggle before dinner.
Daddy carved the turkey as he traditionally does......and passed out samples to a lucky few who happened to walk by.
Luis and Marcela and their kids were able to travel from North Carolina to join us. The Reyher clan was here too. We had a full house!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I've never had an affinity for spiders......
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Look at that Smile!
Friday was our little Nola's third birthday. Maria blew out the candles and wished for Nola to come home soon. I had planned to make Nola a doll for her birthday. I have the image of it in my head. The problem is getting that image to translate into something three dimensional. I'm having a bit of a rough time. It's actually making me quite aggravated. I just want a sweet faced, cloth, soft sculptured doll that's going to hold up to the abuse of a toddler. So far, I have three heads laying on my dinning room table (the first one looks like ET) and I don't like any of them. My plan was to have it completed by last Friday. At the rate I'm going, I might have it ready for her fourth birthday. When I finally get it right, I'll post a picture......along with all of the failed attempts.
Everything has been quiet on the adoption front. There has been no news from the recent meetings. I was hoping this week would bring us some news but it's not looking to be the case.
Now, for a confession. I hope you have noticed the chocolate ticker on the right of the blog. I have gone an amazingly long time without chocolate...............well...........until Saturday. This is going to sound really stupid but I didn't even realize I did it. We went to the Corn Festival Parade (a real happening time around these parts). You know what happens at parades. They throw candy to the kids. Maria had a bag full and I reached in to get a piece and pulled out a mini tootsie roll, unwrapped it and popped it in my mouth. Later that day, Mark, Maria and I were out shopping and Maria offered me a piece of candy. It was a tootsie roll. I took it and started to unwrap it when Mark said "uh, Pammy, that's chocolate!"............I just looked at him while a wave of guilt washed over me. I couldn't believe what I had done. I even went as far as to check the ingredient label and there it was...........cocoa. Oh my gosh! He asked if I had eaten any others and I said yes, one. If it hadn't been a couple of hours earlier that I had eaten it, I might have gone to the bathroom and stuck my finger down my throat. That's how upset I was. To me, a tootsie roll isn't chocolate but now I know, it sure is. So to those of you who have joined my chocolate fast until Nola comes home, I'm sorry! I really didn't mean to fall off the wagon and if you want to take this opportunity to do the same, feel free. It was just a momentary slip (if I had planned on cheating, it certainly wouldn't have been with a tootsie roll. I would have gone for the good stuff!) Please know, I'm serious about this. No more chocolate until Nola comes home! But we're going to have some Chocolate Party when she gets here.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

We haven't heard any news yet about results of the meetings between Colom and the other government officials who have our adoption fate in their hands. I'm still praying Colom says that all cases will finish through PGN.................and be expedited! Hey, I'm praying BIG! I really think all of the pending cases have been investigated forwards, backwards, upside down and sideways! Just let these kids come home!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Mark and I have decided to head down to Guatemala over the Labor Day week end and sign new POA. Our original lawyer announced he didn't want anything to do with finishing our case and I don't want to deal with his assistant who had taken over our case. He's quite the money hungry mongrel! We're stepping out and doing what we feel is best for our case and best for Nola. Mayra has gotten everything she needs from our original lawyer's office with exception of a copy of the birth mothers POA but I don't think she will have any trouble getting that. The fee the new lawyer will charge is very reasonable and he is someone Mayra has worked with and recommends.
We're praying the results of the meeting will send our case from CNA back to PGN to be completed. If indeed that happens, our quick trip to Guatemala will hopefully speed the POA process along and enable our new lawyer to jump right in and be ready to represent us as soon as things begin to move.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
More Good News On The Horizon!?!?
Hope is alive!!!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
It's Official....
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
There's a Buzz in the Guatemala Adoption Circles...
Guatemala Minister Counselor Fernando de la Cerda is returning to Washington, DC today after an intense 10 day trip to Guatemala which included 2 meetings with Guatemala President Alvaro Colom. Fernando is reporting significant progress in finding solutions for moving the adoption cases of the Guatemala900 forwards towards resolution. Fernando's efforts in Guatemala also included individual meetings with the PGN, CNA, Court of Appeals, MP, and with his own Department of Foreign Ministry.
On Monday, July 26th, President Colom hosted a meeting with the highest level officials from the PGN, CNA, MP and several high level lawyers. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss adoptions, including the resolution of the grandfathered cases. The same group along with the Deputy Secretary of Interior and high level officials from the SecretarÃa de Bienestar Social (SBS) convened again on Monday, August 2nd and will do so again next Monday, August 9th. Fernando reports that President Colom was sympathetic to the children who are in limbo and spearheaded discussions with the other officials about how cases can start to accelerate towards resolution. Fernando is optimistic that end result should be some significant measurable progress in the coming weeks and months.
The Guatemala 900 group posted this information last week and I'm sure everyone involved is on the edges of their seats as we wait to see what happens next. Our problem is, we aren't sure if our case is still considered "grandfathered" since the judge sent Nola's file to CNA. The Childrens Issues department of the DOS seems to think we have lost our "grandfathered" status and would now be processed as a new case. I'm not sure how the last almost three years of our process could be tossed aside and forgotten but our DOS doesn't seem to be putting any effort into figuring that out. The Guatemala 900 folks, on the other hand, are of the opinion, "once a grandfathered case, always a grandfathered case". I like the way they think better. For now, we just wait and see what happens. I would really like to look back through this blog and see how many times I've written that phrase......."we'll just wait and see what happens".
I did get a message from the lawyer at CNA stating it would not be necessary for me to come back down right now and that he would respond to an e-mail message from me. Mayra sent one and I did the same including information on our case and pictures. Mayra also just got the "golden ticket" from our ex-lawyer's office allowing her to retrieve our file and dossier from PGN and take it to CNA as proof of our grandfathered status.
Please continue to join us in praying that all of the children who are stuck in this unfortunate situation are united with their forever families soon!
We also owe a big THANK YOU to the Guatemala 900 organization whose tireless efforts seem to finally be paying off.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety Jig.....
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Nola's Hearing
Mayra's sister went to the desk and asked permission for me to come in to the hearing and in a few minutes, the clerk came back and said the judge gave permission. I was completely surprised, thrilled and nervous at the same time. Nola and I sat down to wait until we were called into court. I took a little doll for Nola and I pulled it out of my bag. She grabbed hold of it and loved it. I don't know if she'll actually be able to keep it for her own once she's back at the hogar but at least she knows momma gave it to her. I also had a little package of cookies from my flight that I had saved so I pulled those out and she scarfed them down.
Then it was time to go into the hearing. The hogar assistant took Nola from me before we went in. We all took our seats around the table and waited for the judge. After checking who was present, the judge instructed each one to speak in short sentences so my interpreter could interpret for me (another total surprise). Each person around the table took turns delivering their report and soon it was my turn to speak. I wasn't at all prepared so I spoke from my heart. I told the judge from the moment I heard Nola's name, I loved her and even though the paperwork didn't say so, she is my daughter in my heart. I told her our entire family loves her and wants her to come home. I said I know there was some problem with the paperwork but that we had done everything we were instructed to do and neither we nor Nola had anything to do with that problem and shouldn't be punished for it. I said even though the hogar was doing their best to care for her, Nola needs a family to care for her and love her. She needs a mommy and a daddy to love her and that Mark and I are ready for her to come home so we can be a family. I also asked for her to be moved back to a foster home until our process was finished so she could receive the attention she needs. Of course, I cried through my little speech but I did the best I could. The last one to speak was the PGN representative. She reported that they found the birth mother who was listed in the paperwork. The woman denied having a baby and the PGN took her word for it. There was no DNA test done for proof. It was just accepted as fact. The judge accepted each persons report and was ready to make her ruling. She said since the woman who is listed as Nola's birth mother was not, in fact, the birth mother, the birth mother's cedula was not going to be accepted as part of the process. And since they established that the woman who was listed as Nola's birth mother was not her true birth mother, that voided Nola's birth certificate. Nola's birth certificate was also not able to be accepted as part of the process. Since every other document in the process was based on the those two documents, the judge said she was going to have to declare the entire file of notarial documents invalid. She ordered that a new birth certificate be drawn up for Nola listing parents as unknown. The more she talked the harder it was for me to hold back the tears and soon it was impossible. She declared Nola adoptable. That sounds like good news but Nola is now adoptable by any Guatemalan family. Currently, there are not procedures in place for International adoptions to process in Guatemala. She also said the CNA will now oversee Nola's adoption and the CNA will be in charge of choosing the family for Nola.................more tears. The judge asked if there were any arguments (legal arguments) and since there were none, the judge dismissed us. We walked out into a waiting area to wait for the judges official to type up a summary of the hearing and give each of us a copy. While we were waiting the orphanage director came to me and said she was sorry but that since CNA is now in charge of Nola and they are a government agency, she could not allow us to take pictures of Nola...............uncontrollable boo hoo tears! About that time my lawyer came up to me and said he needed his money. The man, who I don't care much for anyway, picked the wrong time to talk to me about money. I went off on him! In a very loud voice I let him know if he cared for our little girl even half as much as he cared about his money, we might not be in the place we were in. I told him he was not to speak to me of money again. Just so you know, we have an agency who is supposed to deal with such matters and he knows that. Anyway he walked away from me and left me alone. He probably thinks I'm a crazy American woman but really what he thinks of me doesn't concern me in the least. After that little episode, I was called into a room with the PGN representative and the door was locked behind us. She told me she overheard the lawyer asking me for money at the last hearing, which he did. She told me my lawyer knew what the outcome of the hearing was going to be and he knew after the judge ruled on my case I wouldn't need him anymore. That was why he was so anxious to get his money. If our case gets accepted in CNA, we won't need a lawyer. The PGN official instructed me not to pay the lawyer another penny. She then told me to go to CNA and talk to them and make them aware of our relationship with Nola. Then the judge's official gave my interpreter a paper with the name of an organization who is helping families in the situation that we are in. I could feel God throwing me a lifeline. We left the room and the CNA representative came up to me and told me to make an appointment as soon as possible with the CNA and go speak with them about our case and our relationship with Nola. She said "no guarantees" but she obviously thinks it could help us...........more hope! We went back to the waiting area and the orphanage director came and whispered that when we get outside, we can take pictures. She got permission from the CNA rep. Again, I felt God giving me a little boost. We finally received the copies of the hearing proceedings and my passport (which they took to make copies of) and we were ready to leave. I got my camera back on my way out and I had a very few minutes to take pictures because I was already running late for my flight home.
Mayra is going to the CNA for me Monday and trying to get an appointment for the time when we are back down there with the church (which is just three weeks from now). I'll be going prepared with a new little photo ablum full of pictures of us with Nola. I'm going to make sure they understand, I'm not giving up. I'm looking at this as a bump in the very long road to adopt our little Nola.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
I really shouldn't be surprised.........
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Catchin' up through pictures
I've become quite the slacker lately. So to make up for lots of lost time, I'm just doing a quick recap of the last few months through pictures.
Then it was prom time!
Here I am with my first little graduate of the year. Yes, Maria graduated from preschool this year. Now we're on to Kindergarten in the fall.

And my second graduate of the year..........Kelsey and a group of her friends just before
their graduation ceremony.
We had Kelsey's graduation party here at the house. We learned one very important thing.........we need a bigger house! We had a great time celebrating Kelsey's accomplishment.
Congratulations Kelsey!
"Throw me up again, daddy, throw me up again!!!
They are looking at one of the hundreds of butterflies at the butterfly exhibit.