We reveived an update from our agency's Guatemalan Program Director. The news sounds very positive. The new CNA will be working through the weekend to register cases. The attorneys must bring a copy of the previous registration to the CNA office to receive a new registration number. It's not clear to me if the registration number is all that will be needed to enter PGN and our agency didn't specify that. I'm just happy to see that there are hours of operation posted and procedures for the lawyers to follow. Surely we will know more by the end of next week. All cases need to be registered or reregistered by the close of business on Tues Feb. 12th. Our lawyer has committed to sending copies of the new registrations for all of his cases as soon as he has completed them all. We still have no news regarding our case being released from PGN. With everything else going on, I'm not going to press for an answer on that question. I have to have faith in our lawyer (actually the faith is in a much higher place) that our case will move along as it should. If we haven't heard any news of PGN after the CNA registration fiasco has subsided, I will check into the statis of our file.
What a test of strength this is!
I'm afraid I'm showing what a weenie I am!
On a much lighter note. Thursday was the biannual Father /Daughter dance during the varsity half-time of our High School basketball game. This was the first time that Kelsey and Mark got to take part. What a fun evening! Our poor basketball team is pathetic, but what a half-time show! Kelsey had a great time with her daddy and Mark is now the King of "Pop, Lock and Drop It". The picture quality is not so hot, but after snapping that one shot, my batteries went dead (typical for me lately) so it's the best picture we've got.

1 comment:
That father daughter dance sounds like so much fun.
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